
Showing posts from September, 2012

A Different Shade of Blue

The sky blue I knew, had faded fast, Had been replaced by, a grey of dust. The turquoise green, that shone bright, Were cold, sad, a watery plight. The gold that shone, so lustrous is now, A charred brown hollow, a seeming frown. The hazel eyes, are a washed up glass, No emotion or trace of our past. For when you left, so did the colour, The colour that gave your eyes life. And when you faded, lights became duller, Everything became an unending strife. For no one saw, what came that day: And forgiveness, is an ancient term, That such a wild rage, would never decay, And revenge would always stand firm. For who can quench the thirst Of a wrenched heart, thirsty for no more Than he, who tore it apart? Like figures drawn on the shore, That fade after constant abrasion Like a dress tearing at the seems Waiting for any flimsy reason To break and tear and be unmend-able Like a shattered pot waiting For the potter's loving hands, To